module Timer: sig
.. end
Named timers. Each timer is associated with a string name.
Operations are starting, stopping (or pausing), and checking
the time elapsed on the named timer. A single timer may be
started and stopped multiple times, and the elapsed time will
always be the total time spent running.
val start_time_hash : (string, float) Ext.Hashtbl.t
Hash of start times.
val elapsed_time_hash : (string, float) Ext.Hashtbl.t
Hash of accumulated elapsed times.
val last_elapsed_time_hash : (string, float) Ext.Hashtbl.t
Hash of last elapsed times.
val start : string -> unit
starts name
starts a timer with the name name
. Does
nothing if timer has already been started.
val delta : string -> float
delta name
returns time passed since the timer name
most recently started or delta was last called for this timer.
Useful for timing sequential pieces.
val elapsed : string -> float
elapsed name
returns the amount of time elapsed on the timer
. Counts time since the timer was started, excluding time
while it was stopped.
val last_elapsed : string -> float
last_elapsed name
returns the amount of time elapsed between
last start and stop on timer name
val stop : string -> unit
stop name
stops the timer name
. This pauses it until
restarted with start.
val clear : string -> unit
clear name
stops the timer name
and sets its elapsed time
to zero.