Module Mn.Factor.MP

module MP: sig .. end
Auxilary module for parsing factors. This interface is public so that other modules can reuse some of the parsing machinery.

type pcond = Mn.Factor.condition 
type pfeature = int * float * pcond list 
type pfeaturelist = pfeature list 
type ptree = MnParseTypes.ptree = 
| PLeaf of float
| PVertex of int * int * ptree * ptree
type pfactor = MnParseTypes.pfactor = 
| PFeatureSet of pfeaturelist
| PFeatureTable of pfeaturelist
| PFeatureTree of ptree
| PFeature of pfeature
type pmn = MnParseTypes.pmn = {
   factors : pfactor list;
   weights : (int * float) list;