Module Mn

module Mn: sig .. end
The MN library reads, writes, and represents Markov networks with factors represented as tables, trees, sets of features, or individual features.

Auxilary modules

module Varstate: sig .. end
Set of functions for indexing and iterating over the states of sets of variables.
module Factor: sig .. end
The Factor module is used for representing a factor in a factor graph.

Markov networks

type network = {
   schema : int array; (*Variable schema. Specifies the range of each variable, in order.*)
   factors : Factor.factor array; (*Array of factors in the Markov network. Order is arbitrary.*)
   var_to_factors : Factor.factor list array;
network data structure holds the Markov network factors.
val pll : network -> Factor.varvalue array -> float
pll mn x computes the pseudo-likelihood of sample x given network mn.
val numvars : network -> int
Returns number of variables in the network.
val numweights : network -> int
Returns number of parameters in the network.
val get_range : network -> int -> int
get_range mn v returns the cardinality of variable v in network mn.
val schema : network -> int array
Returns the schema of the given network.
val factors : network -> Factor.factor array
Returns an array of all factors of the given network.
val create : int array -> Factor.factor array -> network
create schema factors returns a for the given schema and factors.
val raw_logprob : network -> Factor.varvalue array -> float
raw_logprob mn state returns the unnormalized log probability of the variable configuration state according to network mn.
val mb_logdist : network -> Factor.varvalue array -> int -> float array
mb_logdist mn x i returns the log probability distribution over variable i in network mn, given the values of its Markov blanket variables specified in instance x.
val simplify : network -> Factor.varvalue array -> network
simplify mn ev builds a new MN with simpler factors, conditioned on evidence ev.
val to_features : network -> Factor.feature list
to_features mn converts the factors in network mn to a list of features.
val set_weights : network -> float array -> unit
set_weights mn w updates weights using weight vector w. Modifies mn in place.

Read/write Markov networks

val filename_is_mn : string -> bool
Returns true if filename ends with .mn.
val filename_is_uai : string -> bool
Returns true if filename ends with .uai.
val input_features_lex : Lexing.lexbuf -> Factor.feature list
Load features from an existing lexing buffer.
val input_features : Pervasives.in_channel -> Factor.feature list
Load features from an input channel.
val load : Pervasives.in_channel -> network
Loads a Markov network in .mn format from a channel.
val output : Pervasives.out_channel -> network -> unit
Writes a Markov network in .mn format to a channel.
val load_uai : Pervasives.in_channel -> network
Loads a Markov network written in the UAI file format.
val output_uai : Pervasives.out_channel -> network -> unit
Writes a Markov network in the UAI file format.
val load_auto : string -> network
load_auto filename loads an MN, inferring its filetype by its filename.
val write_auto : string -> network -> unit
write_auto filename mn writes Markov network mn to the output file filename, inferring its filetype by its filename.