Module Spn
module Spn: sig
.. end
SPN library provides data structure and methods for learning
sum-product networks.
Data structures
data_t = int array array
local_schema_t = (int * int) array
schema_t = int array
spn_node_type =
| |
TimesNode |
| |
PlusNode |
| |
NullNode |
| |
LeafNode |
Different node types in SPNs
spnode = {
id : int ; |
mutable parents : spnode array ; |
mutable children : spnode array ; |
mutable params : float array ; |
mutable nodetype : spn_node_type ; |
mutable schema : local_schema_t ; |
mutable data : data_t ; |
mutable acname : string ; |
mutable ac_index : int ; |
mutable final : bool ; |
mutable infcached : bool ; |
mutable logpTemp : float array ; |
Each node in an SPN is a spnode
exception HSplitNotPossible
Raised when data clustering is not possible.
exception VSplitNotPossible
Raised when variable clustering is not possible.
exception NodeTypeError
val node_array : spnode array Pervasives.ref
Stores the nodes of an SPN network.
val create_node : spn_node_type ->
spnode array ->
spnode array ->
float array -> data_t -> local_schema_t -> spnode
create_node t pt c pm d s
creates a new spn node and adds it to
is the node type,
is the list of parents,
is the children list,
is the list of parameters,
is data, and
is the schema.
val create_plus : data_t -> local_schema_t -> spnode
Creates a plus node for the given data and schema.
val create_times : data_t -> local_schema_t -> spnode
Creates a times node for the given data and schema.
val create_leaf : data_t -> local_schema_t -> spnode
Creates a leaf node for the given data and schema.
val create_null : unit -> spnode
Creates a dummy node.
val get_type_name : spn_node_type -> string
Returns a string value corresponding to the node type.
val get_node_by_id : int -> spnode
Returns an spnode with the given id from node_array
val get_spn_size : unit -> int
Returns the size of an SPN network (the lengths of node_array
val add_child : spnode -> spnode -> unit
Adds a child to the node and updates the parameters based on the
number of samples in the child node.
val set_parent : spnode -> spnode -> unit
Sets the parent of a node, and also updates the children of the
parent node.
val print_node : Pervasives.out_channel -> spnode -> unit
Writes the information of a single SPN node into an output file.
val print_model : Pervasives.out_channel -> spnode -> unit
Writes the SPN structure into the output file
val print_spn : spnode -> unit
Prints SPN information. Used for dubugging.
val load_model : string -> unit
Constructs a SPN structure given the model file
val h_split : spnode -> int -> float -> int -> float -> spnode list
h_split node num_part lambda concurrent_thr ratio
learns a sum
node using sample clustering for conditional distributions. num_part
is the maximum number of clusters. lambda
is a penalty for the
number of clusters. concurrent_thr
determined the number of
concurrent processes for clustering. ratio
is no longer in use.
Raises HSplitNotPossible
if the number of found clusters is one.
val h_split_force : spnode -> int -> float -> int -> float -> spnode list
Similar to h_split
, but never raises HSplitNotPossible, so it
always find a split. (Useful for the spnlearn algorithm.)
val v_split : spnode -> float -> spnode list
v_split node cut_thr
learns a product node using variable
clustering. node
is a spnode to split. We suppose that there is no
edge between two nodes if the mutual information of the nodes is less
than cut_thr
val v_split_gtest : spnode -> float -> spnode list
v_split_gtest node cut_thr
learns a product node using variable
clustering. node
is a spnode to split. It suppose no edge between
two nodes if g-test is less than cut_thr