Index of values

($) [Ext]

a_mem [Circuit]
a_mem a n returns the ith element of array a, where i is the id of node n.
absf [Ext]
Returns the absolute value.
add [Circuit.NMap]
add [Circuit.NSet]
add [Ext.Heap]
add h x adds the element x to the heap h, growing if necessary.
add [Ext.Hashset]
add hs x adds x to hash set hs.
add [Ext.Hashtbl.SeededS]
add [Ext.Hashtbl.S]
add [Ext.Hashtbl.MakeSeeded]
add [Ext.Hashtbl.Make]
add [Ext.Hashtbl]
add_child [Spn]
Adds a child to the node and updates the parameters based on the number of samples in the child node.
add_child [Circuit]
add_child parent child appends child to the children of parent and updates the parent of child accordingly.
adotprod [Ext]
adotprod xa ya returns the dot product of the two float array xa and ya.
adotprod_autobias [Ext]
adotprod_autobias xa ya returns the dot product of the two float array xa and ya and assumes that the last entry in ya is the bias term.
adotprod_bias [Ext]
adotprod_bias xa ya returns the dot product of the two float array xa and ya plus the bias term bias.
all_var_dists [Circuit]
all_var_dists circ returns all plus nodes in the circuit circ that represent distributions.
all_vars [Circuit]
Returns all indicator nodes (variable nodes).
alogsumexp [Ext]
logsumexp xa computes log(\sum_i e^{x_i}), where x_i is the ith entry of the float array xa.
append [Ext.Array]
append [Ext.List]
argmax [Ext.Array]
argmax a returns the index of the largest value in the array a.
argmin [Ext.Array]
argmin a returns the index of the smallest value in the array a.
assoc [Ext.List]
assq [Ext.List]
augment [Ext.Array]
Creates a new array such that if the ith entry of the given array has value v, then the ith entry of the new array contains the pair (v,i).

blit [Ext.String]
blit [Ext.Array]
build [Ext.Heap]
build lessthan a builds a heap from the existing array a with respect to the comparison function lessthan.
build_namehashes [Bn]
Create hash maps from variable name -> index, and from each variable's values -> value index.
build_pll_cache [Pll]
Construct key statistics for PLL value and gradient computations
build_pll_cache_c [Pll]
Construct key statistics for PLL value and gradient computations, for use with external C implementation.
build_pll_minicache [Pll]
Construct small cache data structure, not precomputing feature counts
build_pll_minicache_c [Pll]
Construct small cache data structure, not precomputing feature counts, for external C implementation.

c_satisfied [Circuit]
c_satisfied x cond returns true if x satisfies cond.
capitalize [Ext.String]
check_evidence [Data]
check_evidence schema ev runs Data.check_point for evidence ev and returns ev.
check_point [Data]
check_point schema example is used for simple input validation.
children [Circuit]
children node returns the children of node.
children [Bn]
children bn idx
clear [Circuit.NMap]
clear [Circuit.NSet]
clear [Ext.Timer]
clear name stops the timer name and sets its elapsed time to zero.
clear [Ext.Heap]
clear h removes all elements from the heap h.
clear [Ext.Hashtbl.SeededS]
clear [Ext.Hashtbl.S]
clear [Ext.Hashtbl.MakeSeeded]
clear [Ext.Hashtbl.Make]
clear [Ext.Hashtbl]
combine [Ext.List]
common_arguments [Ext]
Set of arguments common to most programs
common_log_init [Ext]
Initializes the common log channels in Libra.
compare [Ext.String]
compose [Ext]
compute_z [Circuit]
Returns the log partition function.
concat [Ext.String]
concat [Ext.Array]
concat [Ext.List]
cond_intersect [Circuit]
Returns true when two given conditions are not mutually exclusive.
cond_prob [Bn]
cond_prob bn x i
conditions_to_ev [Circuit]
Converts a condition to evidence.
condl_to_valsetl [Mn.Factor]
condl_to_valsetl schema condl converts list of conditions condl to a list of variable value sets, so that each variable appears only once in the list.
cons [Ext.List]
cons x l appends the value x to the list l.
const_value [Circuit]
Gets the parameter value stored in the constant node
contains [Ext.String]
contains_from [Ext.String]
copy [Mn.Factor]
copy f creates a duplicate of factor f.
copy [Circuit.NMap]
copy [Circuit.NSet]
copy [Ext.String]
copy [Ext.Hashtbl.SeededS]
copy [Ext.Hashtbl.S]
copy [Ext.Hashtbl.MakeSeeded]
copy [Ext.Hashtbl.Make]
copy [Ext.Hashtbl]
copy [Ext.Array]
count [Ext.Array]
count f a applies the boolean function f on each element of the array a and returns the number of times that f returns true.
count [Ext.List]
count f l applies boolean the function f on each element of the list l, and returns the number of times that f returns true.
cpd_to_factors [Bn]
cpd_to_factors bn cvar cpd converts cpd associated with variable cvar of network bn to Markov network factors
create [Mn]
create schema factors returns a for the given schema and factors.
create [Circuit.NMap]
create [Circuit.NSet]
create [Ext.Heap]
create lessthan n creates a heap with the capacity n and the comparison function lessthan.
create [Ext.String]
create [Ext.Hashset]
create n creates a new, empty hash set with initial size n.
create [Ext.Hashtbl.SeededS]
create [Ext.Hashtbl.S]
create [Ext.Hashtbl.MakeSeeded]
create [Ext.Hashtbl.Make]
create [Ext.Hashtbl]
create [Ext.Array]
create_const [Circuit]
Creates a constant node (parameter node).
create_default_cpt [Bn]
create_deriv_scratch [Circuit]
Initializes the data structure for computing the derivatives.
create_empty_network [Bn]
create_empty_network s creates an empty network with given variable schema s
create_evidence [Circuit]
Returns create_evidence_s of the circuit.schema.
create_evidence_s [Circuit]
create_evidence schema creates an matrix of ones as the values of indicator variables.
create_leaf [Spn]
Creates a leaf node for the given data and schema.
create_matrix [Ext.Array]
create_mn [Pll]
Build MN structure for use with external C PLL implementation.
create_node [Spn]
create_node t pt c pm d s creates a new spn node and adds it to Spn.node_array.
create_node [Circuit]
Creates a node with the given node specification and children.
create_null [Spn]
Creates a dummy node.
create_plus [Spn]
Creates a plus node for the given data and schema.
create_plus [Circuit]
Creates a plus (sum) node.
create_scratch [Circuit]
Create helper data structure.
create_times [Spn]
Creates a times node for the given data and schema.
create_times [Circuit]
Creates a times (product) node.
create_var [Circuit]
Creates an indicator node.
create_var [Bn]
create_var idx dim

debug [Ext]
Prints the given string into the standard output.
delta [Ext.Timer]
delta name returns time passed since the timer name was most recently started or delta was last called for this timer.
depth [Circuit]
Returns the depth of an arithmetic circuit
dfind [Ext.Hashtbl]
dfind h key default returns the item with key key if the key is present in h, and returns default otherwise.
dist_params [Bn]
dist_var [Circuit]
dist_var n returns the index of the random variable being modeled given the node n representing a multinomial distribution.
dlogf [Ext]
Prints to a log with printf-style formatting in the debug mode.
dlogfz [Ext]
Prints to a log with printf-style formatting in the debug mode.
dlogfz2 [Ext]
Similar to dlogfz, but accepts two lazy arguments.
dlogfz3 [Ext]
Similar to dlogfz, but accepts three lazy arguments.
dlogfz4 [Ext]
Similar to dlogfz, but accepts four lazy arguments.
dotprod [Ext]
dotprod xl yl returns the dot product of the two float lists xl and yl.
dotprod_bias [Ext]
dotprod_bias xl yl bias returns the dot product of the two float lists xl and yl plus the bias bias.
dump_data [Data]
dump_data data filename writes data examples to file filename.
dump_schema [Data]
dump_schema s filename writes schema s to file filename.

elapsed [Ext.Timer]
elapsed name returns the amount of time elapsed on the timer name.
elapsed_time_hash [Ext.Timer]
Hash of accumulated elapsed times.
equal [Ext.Hashtbl.SeededHashedType]
equal [Ext.Hashtbl.HashedType]
errstring [Lbfgs]
Convert an error type into a human-readable error string, mainly for debugging purposes.
escaped [Ext.String]
ev_false [Circuit]
ev_intersect [Circuit]
ev_intersect e1 e2 returns true when evidence e1 and e2 are not mutually exclusive.
ev_intersect2 [Circuit]
ev_subset [Circuit]
ev_subset e1 e2 returns true if evidence e1 is subset of evidence e2 (i.e.
ev_true [Circuit]
ev_union [Circuit]
ev_union circuit ev1 ev2 creates another evidence e such that e is the union of ev1 and ev2.
example_to_ev [Circuit]
exists [Ext.Array]
exists p [|a1; ...; an|] checks if at least one element of the array satisfies the predicate p.
exists [Ext.List]
exists2 [Ext.List]
expat_version [Expat]
Return the Expat library version as a string (e.g.
expected_log_value [Mn.Factor]
expected_log_value f logmarg negmarg returns the expected value of factor f given a fully factorized distribution.
external_entity_parser_create [Expat]
Create a new XML_Parser object for parsing an external general entity.

f_satisfied [Circuit]
f_satisfied x f returns true if an instance x satisfies all conditions of feature f.
f_true [Ext]
Tautology function, i.e.
fa_pll [Pll]
Compute PLL of a single example from a feature array.
factors [Mn]
fast_exp [Ext]
fast_exp x returns the exponential of the given argument, but approximates very small return values with zero.
fast_sort [Ext.Array]
fast_sort [Ext.List]
feature_contains_var [Circuit]
feature_contains_var f v returns true if feature f has a condition of variable v.
feature_node [Circuit]
feature_node f returns the acnode related to the feature f.
feature_set_vars [Mn.Factor]
feature_value [Circuit]
feature_value f returns the value of feature f when its condition is satisfied.
filename_is_bif [Bn]
Checks whether the filename ends with .bif
filename_is_cn [Bn]
Checks whether the filename ends with .cn, .dn, or .bn
filename_is_dn [Bn]
Checks whether the filename ends with .dn
filename_is_mn [Mn]
Returns true if filename ends with .mn.
filename_is_uai [Mn]
Returns true if filename ends with .uai.
filename_is_xmod [Bn]
Checks whether the filename ends with .xmod
filetype [Ext]
fill [Ext.String]
fill [Ext.Array]
filter [Circuit.NSet]
filter [Ext.Hashset]
filter f hs applies the boolean function f on every item in hs and remove the item if f returns false.
filter [Ext.Array]
filter p a returns all the elements of the array a that satisfy the predicate p.
filter [Ext.List]
final [Expat]
Inform the parser that the entire document has been parsed.
find [Circuit.NMap]
find [Circuit.NSet]
find [Ext.Hashtbl.SeededS]
find [Ext.Hashtbl.S]
find [Ext.Hashtbl.MakeSeeded]
find [Ext.Hashtbl.Make]
find [Ext.Hashtbl]
find [Ext.Array]
find p a returns the first element of the array a that satisfies the predicate p.
find [Ext.List]
find_all [Circuit.NMap]
find_all [Circuit.NSet]
find_all [Ext.Hashtbl.SeededS]
find_all [Ext.Hashtbl.S]
find_all [Ext.Hashtbl.MakeSeeded]
find_all [Ext.Hashtbl.Make]
find_all [Ext.Hashtbl]
find_all [Ext.List]
flat_vars [Circuit]
Returns a flat array of all indicator nodes for all random variables.
flatten [Ext.Array]
Flatten a matrix (array of array) into an array.
flatten [Ext.List]
flattenl [Ext.Array]
The elements of the argument are all concatenated together (in the same order) to give the result.
fmatch [Mn.Factor]
fmatch x cond_ar checks whether example x satisfies set of conditions cond_ar.
fold [Circuit.NMap]
fold [Circuit.NSet]
fold [Ext.Hashset]
fold f hs init computes (f iN ... (f i1 init)...), where i1 ... iN are the items in hs.
fold [Ext.Hashtbl.SeededS]
fold [Ext.Hashtbl.S]
fold [Ext.Hashtbl.MakeSeeded]
fold [Ext.Hashtbl.Make]
fold [Ext.Hashtbl]
fold_left [Ext.Array]
fold_left [Ext.List]
fold_left2 [Ext.List]
fold_right [Ext.Array]
fold_right [Ext.List]
fold_right2 [Ext.List]
for_all [Ext.Array]
for_all p [|a1; ...; an|] checks if all elements of the array satisfy the predicate p.
for_all [Ext.List]
for_all2 [Ext.List]
fweight [Mn.Factor]
fweight x f returns the weight of feature f if example x satisfies the feature.

get [Ext.Heap]
get h i gets the ith element in the heap h.
get [Ext.String]
get [Ext.Array]
get_base [Expat]
Get the base for resolving relative URIs.
get_current_byte_count [Expat]
get_current_byte_index [Expat]
get_current_column_number [Expat]
get_current_line_number [Expat]
get_derivatives_raw [Circuit]
Computes derivatives of an arithmetic circuit with respect to all features conditioned on evidence.
get_logmarginals [Circuit]
get_logmarginals circ ds ev returns the log-marginals of all variables in circuit circ given evidence ev.
get_marginals [Circuit]
get_marginals circ ds ev return the marginals of all variables in circuit circ given evidence ev.
get_mpe [Circuit]
get_mpe circ ds e computes the MPE state of variables given the circuit circ, its empty derivative data structure ds, and the evidence ev.
get_node_by_id [Spn]
Returns an spnode with the given id from node_array.
get_offsets [Mn.Varstate]
get_range [Mn]
get_range mn v returns the cardinality of variable v in network mn.
get_range [Bn]
get_range bn i
get_spn_size [Spn]
Returns the size of an SPN network (the lengths of node_array)
get_type_name [Spn]
Returns a string value corresponding to the node type.
grow [Ext.Heap]
grow h automatically resizes the size of the heap h.

h_split [Spn]
h_split node num_part lambda concurrent_thr ratio learns a sum node using sample clustering for conditional distributions.
h_split_force [Spn]
Similar to h_split, but never raises HSplitNotPossible, so it always find a split.
hash [Ext.Hashtbl.SeededHashedType]
hash [Ext.Hashtbl.HashedType]
hash [Ext.Hashtbl]
hash_param [Ext.Hashtbl]
hd [Ext.List]

id [Circuit]
id node returns the id of node.
identity [Ext]
idx [Bn]
idx_to_varstate [Mn.Varstate]
incstate [Mn.Varstate]
Helper function for iterating over all states of the parent variables.
index [Ext.String]
index_from [Ext.String]
init [Ext.Array]
input_evidence [Data]
Reads real-valued evidence vector from the input.
input_evidence_list [Data]
Reads a list of real-valued evidence vectors from the input.
input_example [Data]
Reads one data example from the input.
input_example_list [Data]
Reads a list of data examples from the input.
input_example_list_schema [Data]
Reads a list of data examples and validates them against the given schema.
input_features [Mn]
Load features from an input channel.
input_features_lex [Mn]
Load features from an existing lexing buffer.
input_marginals [Data]
Reads vector of marginal distributions from the input.
input_wexample [Data]
Reads one weighted data example from the input, e.g., 10 | 0 1 1 1 is equivalent to 10 copies of the example 0 1 1 1.
input_wexample_list [Data]
Reads a list of weighted data examples from the input.
input_wexample_list_schema [Data]
Reads a list of weighted data examples and validates them against the given schema.
is_const [Circuit]
Checks whether the node is a constant (parameter) node.
is_empty [Ext.Heap]
is_empty h checks if the heap h is empty.
is_null [Circuit]
Checks whether the node is a null node.
is_plus [Circuit]
Checks whether the node is a plus (sum) node.
is_sot_dist [Circuit]
is_sot_dist node returns true if node is a sum of variable products (constants times indicator variables).
is_times [Circuit]
Checks whether the node is a times (product) node.
is_var [Circuit]
Checks whether the node is an indicator node.
is_var_product [Circuit]
is_var_product node returns true if node is a product of a constant and an indicator variable.
iter [Circuit.NMap]
iter [Circuit.NSet]
iter [Ext.Heap]
iter f h applies the function f over the elements of the heap h.
iter [Ext.String]
iter [Ext.Hashset]
iter f hs applies f to all items in the hash set hs.
iter [Ext.Hashtbl.SeededS]
iter [Ext.Hashtbl.S]
iter [Ext.Hashtbl.MakeSeeded]
iter [Ext.Hashtbl.Make]
iter [Ext.Hashtbl]
iter [Ext.Array]
iter [Ext.List]
iter2 [Ext.Array]
iter2 f [|a1; ...; an|] [|b1; ...; bn|] calls in turn f a1 b1; ...; f an bn.
iter2 [Ext.List]
iter3 [Ext.List]
iter2 f [a1; ...; an] [b1; ...; bn] [c1; ...; c_n] calls in turn f a1 b1 c1; ...; f an bn cn] .
iter_state [Mn.Varstate]
iteri [Ext.String]
iteri [Ext.Array]
iteri [Ext.List]

keys_to_list [Ext.Hashtbl]
keys_to_list h returns a list of all keys in hashtable h.

last_elapsed [Ext.Timer]
last_elapsed name returns the amount of time elapsed between last start and stop on timer name.
last_elapsed_time_hash [Ext.Timer]
Hash of last elapsed times.
length [Circuit.NMap]
length [Circuit.NSet]
length [Ext.String]
length [Ext.Hashtbl.SeededS]
length [Ext.Hashtbl.S]
length [Ext.Hashtbl.MakeSeeded]
length [Ext.Hashtbl.Make]
length [Ext.Hashtbl]
length [Ext.Array]
length [Ext.List]
load [Mn]
Loads a Markov network in .mn format from a channel.
load [Circuit]
Reads an arithmetic circuit from a file description.
load_auto [Mn]
load_auto filename loads an MN, inferring its filetype by its filename.
load_auto [Bn]
Read a BN from a file, inferring the format from filename.
load_bif [Bn]
Input a BN in BIF format.
load_cn [Bn]
Input a BN in CN format.
load_data [Data]
load_data file reads examples from file filename and returns them as a list.
load_data_ar [Data]
load_data_ar file reads examples from file filename and returns them as an array.
load_evidence [Data]
load_evidence filename reads real-valued evidence vectors from file filename and returns them as a list.
load_evidence_ar [Data]
load_evidence_ar filename reads real-valued evidence vectors from file filename and returns them as an array.
load_model [Spn]
Constructs a SPN structure given the model file
load_schema [Data]
load_schema filename loads a schema from file filename.
load_uai [Mn]
Loads a Markov network written in the UAI file format.
load_with_features [Circuit]
Reads an arithmetic circuits and log-linear features from .ac file.
load_xmod [Bn]
Input a BN in .xmod format.
log_args [Ext]
Prints the arguments to a log in the verbose mode.
log_debug [Ext]
Constant string debug for logging in the debug mode.
log_exists [Ext]
Checks if the given name maps to any output channel.
log_hash [Ext]
Used for mapping output channel to a specific name.
log_normal [Ext]
Constant string normal for logging in the normal mode.
log_one [Ext]
Zero constant.
log_stream [Ext]
Returns the output channel corresponding to the given name.
log_string [Ext]
Outputs a string to the specified log, if defined.
log_value [Mn.Factor]
log_value x f returns the value of the factor for the configuration given by example x.
log_verbose [Ext]
Constant string verbose for logging in the verbose mode.
log_zero [Ext]
Negative infinity constant.
logf [Ext]
logf outname fmt arg1 ... argN prints to a log named outname with printf-style formatting.
loglikelihood [Bn]
loglikelihood bn x computes the log-likelihood of the network on a single example x.
logprob_ev [Circuit]
logprob_ev scratch circ ev returns the log probability of evidence structure ev in circuit circ.
logprob_x [Circuit]
logprob_x scratch circ x returns the log probability of example x in circuit circ.
logsumexp [Ext]
logsumexp xl computes log(\sum_i e^{x_i}), where x_i is the ith entry of the float list xl.
logsumexp2 [Ext]
logsumexp2 x y computes log(exp(x)+exp(y), but avoids numerical underflow.
logvalues [Circuit]
Maps Circuit.circuit.nodes to their logvalues after the evaluation of the circuit.
lowercase [Ext.String]

make [Ext.String]
make [Ext.Array]
make_children [Bn]
Creates an array of child lists, given an array of parent lists
make_matrix [Ext.Array]
make_topo_vars [Bn]
Creates list of variables in topographic order
make_vnodes [Circuit]
Creates an indicator variable for each state of every variable based on the given schema
map [Ext.String]
map [Ext.Array]
map [Ext.List]
map2 [Ext.Array]
map2 f [|a1; ...; an|] [|b1; ...; bn|] is [|f a1 b1; ...; f an bn|].
map2 [Ext.List]
map3 [Ext.List]
map f [a1; ...; an] [b1; ...; bn] [c1; ...; c_n] returns the list f a1 b1 c1; ...; f an bn cn.
map_state [Mn.Varstate]
mapi [Ext.Array]
mapi [Ext.List]
match_beg [Ext.String]
match_beg s1 s2 i checks if the first i characters of s1 and s2 are equal.
match_end [Ext.String]
match_end s1 s2 i checks if the last i characters of s1 and s2 are equal.
max [Ext.Array]
max a returns the maximum value of the array a.
maxf [Ext]
maxf x y returns the maximum of the float values x and y.
mb_logdist [Mn]
mb_logdist mn x i returns the log probability distribution over variable i in network mn, given the values of its Markov blanket variables specified in instance x.
mb_logprob [Bn]
mb_logprob bn x i
mb_prob [Bn]
mb_prob bn x i
mem [Circuit.NMap]
mem [Circuit.NSet]
mem [Ext.Hashset]
mem hs x checks if x exists in hs.
mem [Ext.Hashtbl.SeededS]
mem [Ext.Hashtbl.S]
mem [Ext.Hashtbl.MakeSeeded]
mem [Ext.Hashtbl.Make]
mem [Ext.Hashtbl]
mem [Ext.List]
mem_assoc [Ext.List]
mem_assq [Ext.List]
memq [Ext.List]
merge [Ext.List]
min [Ext.Heap]
min h accesses the smallest element in the heap h.
min [Ext.Array]
min a returns the mininum value of the array a.
minf [Ext]
minf x y returns the minmum of the float values x and y.
minimize [Lbfgs]
minimize f x decrease maxiter finds the minimum of function f, starting its search at point x.
minimize_l1 [Lbfgs]
minimize_l1 c f x decrease maxiter finds the minimum of function f with L1 penalty weight c, starting its search at point x.
minimize_l1_simple [Lbfgs]
minimize_l1_simple c f x finds the minimum of function f with L1 penalty weight c, starting its search at point x.
minimize_simple [Lbfgs]
minimize_simple f x finds the minimum of function f, starting its search at point x.

ncopy [Circuit]
Copy constructor.
nlogf [Ext]
Prints to a log with printf-style formatting in the normal mode.
node [Circuit]
Returns the node at a specific index.
node_array [Spn]
Stores the nodes of an SPN network.
node_iter [Circuit]
node_iter f root applies function f to every node in the circuit rooted at root.
node_logscore [Bn]
node_logscore bn x v
node_map [Circuit]
node_map f root applies function f to every node in the circuit rooted at root and creates a list of the results.
node_name [Circuit]
node_name returns the name of node node, e.g., "n5".
normalize_inplace_log [Ext]
normalize_inplace_log xa Normalizes the elements of xa so that they represent the log probabilities of a valid probability distribution.
normalize_inplace_raw [Ext]
normalize_inplace_raw xa Normalizes the elements of xa so that they represent a valid probability distribution.
normalize_log [Ext]
Similar to normalize_inplace_log, but returns a new array as the result (does not modify the argument.
normalize_raw [Ext]
Similar to normalize_inplace_raw, but returns a new array as the result (does not modify the argument.
nth [Ext.List]
null_node [Circuit]
Creates a node with type NullNode, and its parent and children lists are empty.
num_children [Circuit]
num_children node returns the number of children of node.
num_edges [Circuit]
Return the number of edges in an arithmetic circuit.
num_params [Circuit]
Return the number of parameters in an arithmetic circuit.
numchildren [Bn]
numchildren bn idx
numparams [Mn.Factor]
numparams [Bn]
numparams bn idx
numparents [Bn]
numparents bn idx
numvars [Mn]
numvars [Circuit]
Returns the number of variables in an arithmetic circuit.
numvars [Bn]
numweights [Mn]

of_graph [Circuit]
of_graph schema vn vnl root constructs a new circuit from schema and root node and places it in topological order.
of_list [Ext.Array]
order [Circuit]
Puts all nodes in the circuit into a topological partial order.
output [Mn]
Writes a Markov network in .mn format to a channel.
output [Circuit]
Stores an arithmetic circuit in the regular plain text format.
output_bif [Bn]
Output a BN in BIF format.
output_cn [Bn]
Output a BN in CN format.
output_dot [Circuit]
Stores an arithmetic circuit in the dot format (for visualizing).
output_example [Data]
Writes an example to the output channel.
output_factor [Mn.Factor]
output_factor out f writes factor f to channel out.
output_feature [Mn.Factor]
output_feature [Circuit]
output_feature out f writes feature f to the output channel out.
output_featurelist [Mn.Factor]
output_features [Circuit]
Stores the feature list given the circuit root.
output_float [Ext]
output_float out f writes the float value f on the output channel out.
output_int [Ext]
output_int out i writes the integer value i on the output channel out.
output_js [Circuit]
Stores an arithmetic circuit in the javascript format for visualizing using Digraph.
output_marginals [Data]
Writes vector of marginal distributions to the output.
output_node [Circuit]
output_node out node writes node node to the output channel out.
output_root [Circuit]
output_root out schema root recursively writes circuit to output channel out, starting at the root.
output_root_with_features [Circuit]
Stores the given arithmetic circuit and feature list in .ac format, given the circuit schema, root node, and feature list.
output_schema [Data]
dump_schema o s writes schema s to output channel o.
output_sep [Ext]
output_string ouput sep sa concatinates the string elements of the string array sa using the separator sep, and then writes the result on the output channel out.
output_tree [Mn.Factor]
output_uai [Mn]
Writes a Markov network in the UAI file format.
output_with_features [Circuit]
Stores the given arithmetic circuit and feature list in .ac format.
output_xmod [Bn]
Output a BN in .xmod format.

parents [Circuit]
parents node returns the parents of node.
parents [Bn]
parents bn idx
parse [Expat]
Let the parser parse a chunk of an XML document.
parse_sub [Expat]
Let the parser parse a chunk of an XML document in a substring
parser_create [Expat]
Create a new XML parser.
parser_create_ns [Expat]
Create a new XML parser that has namespace processing in effect
partition [Ext.Array]
partition p a returns a pair of arrays (a1, a2), where a1 is the array of all the elements of a that satisfy the predicate p, and a2 is the array of all the elements of a that do not satisfy p.
partition [Ext.List]
pfactor_to_factor [Mn.Factor]
Build a factor from parser output.
pll [Mn]
pll mn x computes the pseudo-likelihood of sample x given network mn.
pll [Bn]
pll bn x computes the pseudo-log-likelihood of the network on a single example x.
pll_cache_to_mn [Pll]
Construct an MN from the PLL cache data and the weight vector.
pll_mn [Pll]
Compute PLL of MN.
pll_val_and_grad [Pll]
Compute value and gradient of PLL without using full cache
pll_val_and_grad_c [Pll]
Compute value and gradient PLL without using full cache.
pll_val_and_grad_cached [Pll]
Compute value and gradient of PLL using cache
pll_val_and_grad_cached_c [Pll]
Compute PLL and its gradient using cache.
prefix [Ext.String]
prefix s1 s2 checks if s2 is the prefix of s1.
print [Circuit]
Prints an arithmetic circuit to stdout.
print_ev [Circuit]
Print evidence data structure to stdout.
print_marginals [Data]
Prints marginals to stdout.
print_model [Spn]
Writes the SPN structure into the output file
print_node [Spn]
Writes the information of a single SPN node into an output file.
print_node [Circuit]
Prints a single node to stdout.
print_node_endline [Circuit]
Prints a single node to stdout, including a newline at the end.
print_spn [Spn]
Prints SPN information.
prune_features [Circuit]
Prunes features by removing empty, redundant, and contradictory circuit features.
prune_for_evidence [Circuit]
Prunes a circuit conditioned on evidence.

randomize [Ext.Hashtbl]
range [Ext.Array]
range n creates an array with values from 0 to n-1.
range [Ext.List]
range n creates a list with values from 0 to n-1.
raw_logprob [Mn]
raw_logprob mn state returns the unnormalized log probability of the variable configuration state according to network mn.
rcontains_from [Ext.String]
realloc [Ext.Heap]
realloc h n grows the capacity of the heap h to n.
rebuild [Circuit]
Rebuilds the circuit data structure from the root node.
rebuild [Ext.Heap]
rebuild h fixes all out-of-order elements in the heap h in linear time.
register_log [Ext]
register_log name out maps the output channel out to the string name.
relatedl_a [Circuit]
relatedl_a size rel nl returns an array in which the ith element is true if the node with id i is reachable from some node in nl through relation rel.
rem_first [Ext.List]
rem_first l returns the tail of the list l.
rem_item [Ext.List]
rem_item l i returns a list that has the same order as the list l, which does not include the value i.
remove [Circuit.NMap]
remove [Circuit.NSet]
remove [Ext.Heap]
remove h i removes the ith element in the heap h.
remove [Ext.Hashtbl.SeededS]
remove [Ext.Hashtbl.S]
remove [Ext.Hashtbl.MakeSeeded]
remove [Ext.Hashtbl.Make]
remove [Ext.Hashtbl]
remove_all [Ext.Heap]
remove_all h f removes all elements from the heap h that match the criterion f.
remove_all_children [Circuit]
remove_all_children parent removes all children of parent.
remove_all_parents [Circuit]
remove_all_parents child removes all parents of child.
remove_assoc [Ext.List]
remove_assq [Ext.List]
remove_child [Circuit]
remove_child parent child removes child from the children of parent and updates child accordingly.
remove_fast [Ext.List]
remove_fast x l removes the value x from the list l.
remove_min [Ext.Heap]
remove_min h removes the smallest element in heap h (root).
remove_redundant_conds [Mn.Factor]
Removes redundant conditions from a condition list.
replace [Circuit.NMap]
replace [Circuit.NSet]
replace [Ext.Hashtbl.SeededS]
replace [Ext.Hashtbl.S]
replace [Ext.Hashtbl.MakeSeeded]
replace [Ext.Hashtbl.Make]
replace [Ext.Hashtbl]
rescale [Mn.Factor]
rescale alpha f rescales factor f by a factor of alpha.
reset [Ext.Hashtbl.SeededS]
reset [Ext.Hashtbl.S]
reset [Ext.Hashtbl.MakeSeeded]
reset [Ext.Hashtbl.Make]
reset [Ext.Hashtbl]
reset_character_data_handler [Expat]
reset_comment_handler [Expat]
reset_default_handler [Expat]
reset_end_cdata_handler [Expat]
reset_end_element_handler [Expat]
reset_external_entity_ref_handler [Expat]
reset_processing_instruction_handler [Expat]
reset_start_cdata_handler [Expat]
reset_start_element_handler [Expat]
rev [Ext.Array]
rev [Ext.List]
rev_append [Ext.List]
rev_flatten [Ext.Array]
rev_flatten a dimx dimy creates a matrix given an array and the dimension of the matrix.
rev_inplace [Ext.Array]
rev_inplace a reverses the array a in place.
rev_iter [Ext.Array]
rev_iter f a is the same as iter f a, but iterates from right to left.
rev_iter [Ext.List]
rev_iter f l is the same as iter f l, but iterates from right to left.
rev_map [Ext.List]
rev_map2 [Ext.List]
rindex [Ext.String]
rindex_from [Ext.String]
root_to_list [Circuit]
root_to_list root generates a list of all nodes reachable from root.

sample [Bn]
Generates a single iid sample from the BN probability distribution.
sample_array [Bn]
Utility function for sampling a multinomial given an array containing the probability of each state.
schema [Mn]
schema [Data]
Infers the data schema from the given examples.
schema [Circuit]
Returns the schema of an arithmetic circuit.
schema [Bn]
seeded_hash [Ext.Hashtbl]
seeded_hash_param [Ext.Hashtbl]
set [Ext.String]
set [Ext.Array]
set_base [Expat]
Set the base to be used for resolving relative URIs in system identifiers.
set_character_data_handler [Expat]
set_comment_handler [Expat]
set_const [Circuit]
set_const node wt sets the value of const node node to wt.
set_cpt [Bn]
set_cpt bn var_idx parents cpt_values updates a CPT.
set_cptree [Bn]
set_cptree bn var_idx root updates the CPD of variable var_idx in network bn with a CPD with root node root.
set_default_handler [Expat]
set_end_cdata_handler [Expat]
set_end_element_handler [Expat]
set_evidence [Circuit]
set_external_entity_ref_handler [Expat]
set_factorset [Bn]
set_factorset bn var_idx fl updates the CPD of variable var_idx in network bn with factor list fl.
set_feature_value [Circuit]
set_feature_value f wt sets the value of feature f to wt, modifying the associated constant node.
set_param_entity_parsing [Expat]
Enable the parsing of parameter entities
set_parent [Spn]
Sets the parent of a node, and also updates the children of the parent node.
set_processing_instruction_handler [Expat]
set_start_cdata_handler [Expat]
set_start_element_handler [Expat]
set_weights [Mn.Factor]
set_weights w wi f updates the weight in factor f using a global weight vector w.
set_weights [Mn]
set_weights mn w updates weights using weight vector w.
sibling_vars [Circuit]
sibling_vars circ n returns a list of all indicator nodes for all values of the same variable given the indicator node n for a particular variable/value combination.
sift_down [Ext.Heap]
sift_down h root moves root down to satisfy the heap property for the heap h.
sift_up [Ext.Heap]
sift_up h child moves child up to satisfy the heap property for the heap h.
simple_cond_cmp [Mn.Factor]
Comparision function used for sorting conditions.
simplify [Mn.Factor]
simplify ev f simplifies factor f by conditioning it on evidence ev.
simplify [Mn]
simplify mn ev builds a new MN with simpler factors, conditioned on evidence ev.
simplify [Bn]
simplify bn ev simplifies CPDs of netwprk bn given evidence ev if the CPDs are represented using trees or factor sets.
simplify_feature [Mn.Factor]
simplify_feature ev f removes all conditions of feature f that are satisfied by evidence ev and returns a new, simpler feature.
size [Ext.Heap]
size h returns the number of items in the heap h.
sort [Ext.Array]
sort [Ext.List]
split [Ext.List]
split3 [Ext.List]
Transform a list of triples into a triple of lists: split3 [(a1,b1,c1); ...; (an,bn,cn)] is ([a1; ...; an], [b1; ...; bn]).
stable_sort [Ext.Array]
stable_sort [Ext.List]
start [Ext.Timer]
starts name starts a timer with the name name.
start_time_hash [Ext.Timer]
Hash of start times.
state_to_idx [Mn.Varstate]
stats [Ext.Hashtbl.SeededS]
stats [Ext.Hashtbl.S]
stats [Ext.Hashtbl.MakeSeeded]
stats [Ext.Hashtbl.Make]
stats [Ext.Hashtbl]
stats_add [Ext]
stats_add s w x adds one observation of x to the counters
stats_make [Ext]
Create an object to help compute of mean and variance statistics.
stats_mean [Ext]
stats_mean s returns the arithmetic mean of the observations
stats_n [Ext]
stats_n s returns the number of (weighted) observations
stats_stddev [Ext]
stats_stddev s returns the standard deviation of the observations
stats_stderr [Ext]
stats_stderr s returns the standard deviation of the mean
stats_sum [Ext]
stats_sum s returns the sum of the observations
stats_var [Ext]
stats_var s returns the estimated variance of the observations
stats_wadd [Ext]
stats_wadd s w x adds w observations of x to the counters
stop [Ext.Timer]
stop name stops the timer name.
stream_schema [Data]
Infers the data schema from the given input stream.
string_of_farray [Ext]
Converts a float array to a string.
string_of_feature [Circuit]
Converts the given feature to a string
string_of_flist [Ext]
Converts a float list to a string.
string_of_iarray [Ext]
Converts an int array to a string.
string_of_ilist [Ext]
Converts an int list to a string.
string_of_node [Circuit]
string_of_node node returns a string representation of node node.
sub [Ext.String]
sub [Ext.Array]
suffix [Ext.String]
suffix s1 s2 checks if s2 is the suffix of s1.
sum [Ext.Array]
sum a returns the sum of the elements of the int array a.
sum [Ext.List]
sum l return the sum of the elements of the int list l.
sum_map [Circuit.NSet]
sum_map [Ext.Hashset]
sum_map f hs applies f to all items in hs, returns the sum of all the results.
sum_map [Ext.Array]
sum_map f a applies the function f on each element of the int array a and then returns the sum of the results.
sum_map [Ext.List]
sum_map f l applies the function f on each element of the int list l and then returns the sum of the results.
sumf [Ext.Array]
sum a returns the sum of the elements of the float array a.
sumf [Ext.List]
sum l returns the sum of the elements of the float list l.
sumf_map [Circuit.NSet]
sumf_map [Ext.Hashset]
sum_map f hs applies f to all items in hs, returns the sum of all the results.
sumf_map [Ext.Array]
sum_map f a applies the function f on each element of the float array a and then returns the sum of the results.
sumf_map [Ext.List]
sumf_map f l applies the function f on each element of the float list l and then returns the sum of the results.
swap [Ext.Heap]
swap h x y swaps two items x and y in the heap h.

table_to_features [Mn.Factor]
Converts table CPD to features
take [Ext.Array]
take a ai removes the indices ai from the array a.
takeCol [Ext.Array]
takeCol m cols removes the columns cols from the matrix m.
takeRow [Ext.Array]
takeRow m rows removes the rows rows from the matrix m.
tl [Ext.List]
to_array [Ext.Heap]
to_array h constructs an array from the elements of the heap h.
to_features [Mn.Factor]
Converts factor to a set of conjunctive features.
to_features [Mn]
to_features mn converts the factors in network mn to a list of features.
to_list [Circuit.NSet]
to_list [Ext.Heap]
to_list h constructs a list from the elements of the heap h.
to_list [Ext.Hashset]
Converts the given hash set into a list.
to_list [Ext.Array]
to_mn [Bn]
Converts the Bayesian network to a Markov network by introducing one factor for each CPD.
to_string_example [Data]
Converts the given example to a string.
to_string_schema [Data]
Converts the given schema to a string.
to_table [Mn.Factor]
to_table schema f converts factor f to another factor with a table representation.
trans [Ext.Array]
transpose [Ext.Array]
transpose m transposes the matrix m represented as an array of arrays.
transpose [Ext.List]
transpose m transposes the matrix m represented as a list of lists.
tree_logprob [Bn]
tree_logprob x cpdnode
tree_params [Bn]
tree_parents [Bn]
tree_parents numvars root
tree_to_features [Mn.Factor]
Generates an equivalent set of features for a given tree factor.
tree_vars [Mn.Factor]
trim [Ext.String]

uncapitalize [Ext.String]
unlink [Circuit]
unlink node removes all parents and children of node.
unregister_log [Ext]
unregister_log name removes the channel-name mapping for the given name.
unsafe_blit [Ext.String]
unsafe_fill [Ext.String]
unsafe_get [Ext.String]
unsafe_get [Ext.Array]
unsafe_set [Ext.String]
unsafe_set [Ext.Array]
update_children_and_topo_vars [Bn]
Updates the children lists and topological variable order
update_parents [Circuit]
Update parent references for all nodes to be consistent.
uppercase [Ext.String]

v_split [Spn]
v_split node cut_thr learns a product node using variable clustering.
v_split_gtest [Spn]
v_split_gtest node cut_thr learns a product node using variable clustering.
var [Circuit]
var circ i returns the array of indicator nodes for the given random variable index i and the circuit circ.
var_details [Circuit]
var_details node returns the variable-value pair if node is an indicator variable node
var_value [Circuit]
var_value node returns the value if node is a variable node
var_var [Circuit]
var_var node returns the variable if node is a variable node
varname [Bn]
varname bn idx
vars [Mn.Factor]
varstate_to_idx [Mn.Varstate]
vlogf [Ext]
Prints to a log with printf-style formatting in the verbose mode.
vlogfz [Ext]
Prints to a log with printf-style formatting in the verbose mode.
vlogfz2 [Ext]
Similar to vlogfz, but accepts two lazy arguments.
vlogfz3 [Ext]
Similar to vlogfz, but accepts three lazy arguments.
vlogfz4 [Ext]
Similar to vlogfz, but accepts four arguments.

wrap [Ext.List]
wrap x returns a list that contains x.
write_auto [Mn]
write_auto filename mn writes Markov network mn to the output file filename, inferring its filetype by its filename.
write_auto [Bn]
Write the BN to a file, inferring the format from filename.

xml_error_to_string [Expat]
Converts a xml_error to a string